Nightmare Coast

Nightmare Coast Achievement Banner

Below is a guide to all the achievements related to the RIFT Nightmare Tide Dungeon, Nightmare Coast. You can view these achievements in-game under Achievements (default key “h“) -> Dungeons -> Nightmare Coast.

Having trouble with a boss or want more information on a particular ability? You can find a detailed guide to each boss including abilities and strategies below:

Excuse Me, I’m Trying To Look At The Water!


Interrupt a certain sinister monologue in Nightmare Coast.


Attack the Sinister Presence that appears at the start of the instance before he finishes his long roleplay to get this achieve. Note that you will still need to wait for him to ‘finish’ before The Faceless Man NPC will appear (the one that gives you the normal dungeon quests).


5 Achievement Points.

Sweet Dreams


Defeat Hydal Ithral in the Nightmare Coast instance.


Defeat Hydal Ithral in the Nightmare Coast instance. A guide to the boss encounter can be found below:


5 Achievement Points.

Power Nap


Defeat Hydal Ithral in under 2min in the Nightmare Coast instance.


Defeat Hydal Ithral in under 2min in the Nightmare Coast instance. Should be pretty easy. A guide to the boss encounter can be found below:


10 Achievement Points.

The Nightmare Waltz


Defeat Hydal Ithral without destroying a single Nightmare Orb in the Nightmare Coast instance.


This involves not destroying any Nightmare Orbs during the fight. This is fairly simple unless you have a lot of melee dps. If you are having trouble, try this:

  • Each Nightmare Orb spawns behind a random player.
  • Have everyone (except tank) stand about 10m behind the boss.
  • Have everyone (except tank) stand near the first Nightmare Orb that spawns but not close enough to get hit by the laser. That way, all the Nightmare Orbs will spawn close to each other and so there’s a ton more room to move around.


5 Achievement Points.

Squidn’t We Already Kill Him?


Defeat the Shade of Akylios.


Defeat the Shade of Akylios in Nightmare Coast. A guide to the boss encounter can be found below:


10 Achievement Points.

A Shadow Of Himself


Defeat the Shade of Akylios without a single player getting hit by Waves of Madness


Waves of Madness are the waves that move across the encounter from left to right or right to left. A red rectangle is used as a warning indicator for when a wave is about to move across the encounter. You will need to make sure that your party knows you want to get this achieve as this is a party achieve.


10 Achievement Points.



Defeat 10 Blighted Lesions before you kill the Shade of Akylios


The Blighted Lesions are the immobile, melee tentacle mobs that spawn 3 at a time throughout the fight. Defeat 10 before killing the Shade of Akylios to get this achievement.


10 Achievement Points.

Light Up The Shadowlord


Defeat Dalraak (second boss) the Shadowlord.


Defeat Dalraak in Nightmare Coast. A guide to the boss encounter can be found below:


10 Achievement Points.

Killing Them Quickly


Defeat the horde of Dalraak’s acolytes within 21 seconds of engaging them in combat.


This is talking about all the adds just before Dalraak’s encounter area who are worshiping him. In order to get it down in 21 seconds you should pull them all and have high-AoE specs (like Shaman, Cabalist or Saboteur) ready. Your tank and healer will also need to be able to withstand the damage and your tank needs to be able to hold aggro.

A Justicar Tank’s salvation heals and a Cabalist with 9 pts Justicar for 4/5 Reparation (to spread their own Salvation heals to the party) will make this a synch even if the Justicar fails to hold aggro on all mobs.


10 Achievement Points.

Deny Dalraak


Defeat Dalraak the Shadow Lord without a member of your party dying.


Defeat Dalraak in Nightmare Coast without anyone dying. A guide to the boss encounter can be found below:


10 Achievement Points.

You Didn’t Say The Magic Word


Halt the manifestation of Lord Arak in the Nightmare Coast instance.


Defeat Lord Arak (last boss) in Nightmare Coast. A guide to the boss encounter can be found below:


5 Achievement Points.

Nightmare Coast


Defeat all of the bosses in Nightmare Coast on standard difficulty level.


Simply defeat all bosses in the Normal version of Nightmare Coast. A guide to each boss encounter can be found below:


10 Achievement Points.

Rapid Assault: Nightmare Coast


Complete the Nightmare Coast instance in 20 minutes or less.


For the quests before the first boss, only do the Dreamscraper and Mindshapers ones and head straight for the boss. This achieve should be possible for any group that knows the mechanics of the instance.


10 Achievement Points.

You can find a detailed guide to each boss including abilities and strategies below:

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